- Age & grade level :- 6-11 years old, 5th grade
- Content Area Entry Skills and Prerequisite Knowledge:- Students have heard stories from the Bible, for example, the story of baby Jesus around Christmas time.
- Technology Prerequisite Skills:- Students are competent in clicking on links given by the teacher.
- Lesson Title:- God Gives the 10 Commandment
- Subject Area:- Religious Instruction (Bible)
- Student Technology Standards for the lesson:- Creativity and Innovation-Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:
a) apply existing knowledge to generate ideas, products, or processes.
b) create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
Technology Operations and Concepts- Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology systems and operations. Students:
a) understand and use technology systems.
b) select and use applications effectively and productively. - Objectives:- After this lesson, the children will demonstrate an understanding of the 10 Commandments by being able to tell them to a friend.
Teacher Technologies and Resources: computer, projector, Internet, video.
Student Technologies and Resources: computer.
Materials & Supplies:
- Bible, Exodus 20:1-17
- The 10 Commandments Mini Book for each child, crayons, scissors
- 10 pieces of construction paper, markers
At the beginning, the teacher would use the video and project it so that all would look at the video on the Ten Commandments Song for kids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMgLH316HJ8
This will then lead to a brief discussion on the Ten Commandments, after which the students will be in groups and then discuss at least one of the Commandments.
Other Links Resources:-